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PLAITED ARTS FESTIVAL, a Form of Borneo Cultural Promotion
Saturday, December 24, 2016

Jakarta -Plaited Arts Festival held from Wednesday night (3/28/2013), a form of cultural promotion of Kalimantan Rainforest.

Festival is opened by Kuwai dance from East Borneo was attended by lovers of culture.

President of the National Assembly of Indigenous Dayak (MADN) Agustin Teras Narang said plaited festival shows the richness Indonesian culture and a strong national identity.

"Plaits show such a strong relationship between humans, the environment, and God," Agustin said while attending the opening of the plaited arts festival, on Wednesday (27/03/2013).

John Mc Glynn, Founder of Papyrus says Kalimantan’s crafts have a less attention of the public.

Through the festival, these conditions can be changed. Festival initiated by Foundation o Loyal Devotion for Everlasting Indonesia and Papyrus Foundation was held on 27 March to 7 April 2013 in Bentara Budaya Jakarta (Jakarta Culture Heralds).

In addition, at the opening night also launched a book titled Plaited Arts from the Borneo Rainforest.

Book edited by Bernard Sellato is in-depth research on Borneo. There are more than 1,250 illustrations, including color photos, new maps and a collection of antique photo on it. (Jibi/if/wde)

