Name Brilianpreneur 2022
Email info@miumosa.com
Company Brilianpreneur 2022
Website https://brilianpreneur.com/umkm/miumosa
Brilianpreneur 2022: Dari Lokal Jadi Kece - Lystia Novilda
Friday, December 16, 2022

Since 2019, UMKM EXPO(RT) BRILIANPRENEUR has been a distinctive and creative industry exhibition, displaying the work of Indonesia's best Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) through various enchanting art installations.

more than 500 selected MSMEs from six different categories: Home Decor & Craft, Food & Beverage, Accessories & Beauty, Fashion & Wastra, Healthcare/Wellness, and Digital Technology (Startup). The annual exhibition also presents a series of interesting and valuable programs for the audience: business matching, talk shows, artist performances, and MSME Awards.

M I U M O S A joining the first time Brilianpreneur 2022 after succeeding curation by ICAD, Indonesian Contemporary Art & Design (ICAD), a committee that bridges art and design with other disciplines ranging from fashion, film, hospitality, technology, F&B, and more.