Name S.Anggraini.amd.Kep.SKM.MM.CIMI
Address Juanda 2, Perum WK 14 No. 1 RT 19, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Company SURGA SUSU Mom n Baby Spa
Education Magister Management at Mulawarman University, East Kalimantan
Website http://surgasusu.net
To gain high profits from Mom n Baby Care Business

"The prerequisite for success in entrepreneurship is willing to work hard, discipline and persevering. And in addition, you need to ambitious in order to face tough business competition."

Out of comfort-zone is a challenging. For some people, comfort zone means stability and wealth happiness life, but for others it was not challenging life whatsoever. Susanthi Anggraini was one of the women who devoted to be out of zone, as an entrepreneur.  

 At the very young age, she already nurtures her passion by doing extra work to overcome an income. She did offer fresh milk, part-time job at one of the fast food restaurants in Jogjakarta, and much more. “It is important to challenge yourself by not being spoiled and independent”, she quote.

Quitting her career as Marketing Public Relations at few private hospitals, she commits the passion as an entrepreneur. Begin with capital investment Rp. 6,5 million, Susanthi rented a small wood house to launch her mom and baby care day spa called SUSU SURGA Mom n Baby Care.

SUSU SURGA Mom n Baby Care provides baby pampering spa and nutrition’s enlightenment. Preferential nursing as baby massage, baby scrubs, nurturing baby mask and spa are some of great examples of services. On the other hand, nutrition counseling such as how swaddling babies, breastfeeding appropriate techniques, and baby nutrition ingredients is also defined.

Perseverance   Ethics

The eldest of the couple AKBP Suryadi and Sariyathi said that to running a business does not straight huge capital investments. Consistently, passion, perseverance and strong beliefs combined with consumer trustworthiness’ will lead you to be successful entrepreneur.

“Nurturing touch for your little one. Babies are our greatest gift and should be treated with extraordinary care. Our attention to detail, comfort and our commitment to the highest standards of quality, safety and hygiene is reflected in everything we do, ensuring our little quests are cared for in a safe and healthy environment”, pointed mother of beloved Kenzie and Akio.

Therapist has been taught on how to nurture safe and healthy procedure. For example, when the baby comes for a massage previously had to be weighed and must be in healthy condition. When the baby has a fever and high temperature, the treatment should not be done. Treatment is also applied with baby after immunization; they could not be hurriedly getting massage. Usually, body is needed time to form an immune system. Massage that should be useful, it can be dangerous for this stage.

It was tough years been through, Susanthi now may remain her paycheck. SURGA SUSU Mom n Baby Spa branches are now available in several cities in East Kalimantan. Balikpapan, Tenggarong, Tarakan and Bontang serve you and your baby with high intensive care.